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Early Childhood Education

Division of Behavioral & Social Sciences

The Associate and Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education are designed to build teaching and leadership skills that can be applied in school settings. This program is accredited by the Connecticut State Department of Education and also meets national accreditation standards. The B.A. leading towards Teacher Certification (Integrated Special Needs, PreK through K and 1st through 3rd grade) is accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Educator Preparation Providers (CAEP) with Stipulations for initial level programs.

Early Childhood Education, Mitchell College

Program Overview

With both Associate and Bachelor degree options, the Early Childhood Education program balances the liberal arts and professional preparation. The program offers an Associate program and a Bachelor program with two specializations. The program offers many opportunities to observe and gain practical experience in a school setting through three paths:

    1. Teaching certification
    2. Early childhood education degree
    3. Leadership and management roles in Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education, Mitchell College
Early Childhood Education, Mitchell College

What You Will Learn

The Early Childhood Education program prepares future teachers with learning and hands-on experience including the following:

  • Associate Program:
      • Prepares student for opportunities to work as an Infant/Toddler Educator, Child Referral Person, Family Child Care Provider, or Education Retail Specialist 
  • Bachelor Program with two specializations: 
    1. The Early Childhood Education program leading towards Teacher Certification (Integrated Special Needs Pre-K through K, 1st–3rd Grade) is accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Educator Preparation Providers (CAEP) and culminates with two student teaching experiences during the student’s junior and senior years
    2. Early Childhood Studies concentration (eligible for Connecticut’s Early Childhood Credential ECTC), which provides teaching experience (Pre-K through K) during the junior and senior year

    The Mitchell Difference

    Earning a degree at Mitchell College requires a combination of coursework and experiential learning built around our Abilities Model. This skills-based learning approach includes the following: First Year Experience, Integrative Career Development, Core curriculum, Major curriculum and exploratory electives. Every program at Mitchell offers unique opportunities to our broad spectrum of students for their educational, occupational and lifestyle pursuits.

    The Early Childhood Education program features:


    • Hands-on learning as a way for students to explore, retain and experiment within their field of study:
        • Lab school at Children’s Learning Center provides students with opportunities to work, complete practicums and conduct research within a vibrant school setting
        • Field experience through working and studying in schools (Pre-K, K, or Grades 1, 2 or 3)
    • Wraparound supports that offer resources and promote community-building within the learning process:
        • Professional tutoring from retired teachers
        • Support for certification testing
        • Mentoring program for first-year students
        • Professional and faculty advising
    • Organizations and activities to build community with peers, learn and have fun, such as:
        • Early Childhood Education Club 
        • Educators Rising Collegiate Chapter
    • Practicums offering real-world experience to enhance our students’ education journey through work in local schools
    • Service learning that combines learning objectives with community service in ways that can benefit both student growth and the community
    • Research that offers students the opportunities to delve deeper into subject areas of interest with faculty guidance
    • Minor and/or Microcredential(s) allowing students more compact, narrowly focused courses to develop specific skills in their area of study 
    Early Childhood Education, Mitchell College
    Early Childhood Education, Mitchell College
    Early Childhood Education, Mitchell College

    Career Pathways

    The Early Childhood Education program prepares students for a wide variety of careers:

    • Infant/Toddler Educator
    • Early Childhood Educator
    • Child Referral Person
    • Family Child Care Provider
    • Education Retail Specialist

    Program Resources

    CAEP Accreditation

    Measures of Program Impact

    Measure 1: Impact on P–12 Learning and Development

    Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement

    Measures of Program Outcome

    Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Completion

    Measure 4: Ability of Completers to Be Hired (in positions for which they have prepared)


    Early Childhood Education, Mitchell College

    Samantha Oudkerk ’22, an early childhood studies major, was one of six Mitchell College students who did their teaching practicum at the Children’s Learning Center (CLC) at Mitchell College during the fall 2021 semester. She completed her final practicum at The Friendship School in Waterford. Her goal is to become a preschool teacher or teacher assistant. She said Mitchell “is where I realized that I wanted to be a teacher.”


    Early Childhood Education, Mitchell College

    Blind since birth, Brian Martin ’22 had been taught by a few people who were also blind or visually impaired, and recognized their positive impact on him. He began Mitchell College as a communication major with an interest in radio broadcasting, but changed his major. At Mitchell, he discovered that “I would love working with and helping others like myself. Halfway through my time at Mitchell, I changed my major to early childhood studies. I discovered that this is my calling.” He plans to pursue a master’s degree in special education, with the goal of working in a large public school system, perhaps Boston, either in a middle school or high school, possibly with a dual certification as an orientation mobility specialist, teaching blind or visually impaired people.


    Early Childhood Education, Mitchell College

    When Priscilla Huyhua ‘20 thinks about Mitchell College, she recognizes all it has done for her future. Since graduating with her bachelor’s degree in both early childhood studies and human development and family studies, she completed an intensive 11-month graduate program at the Neag School of Education at UConn,  earned her master’s degree in educational psychology and special education and accepted a position as a special education teacher at Stamford Public Schools. When she looks back on her years at Mitchell, Priscilla understands the role the faculty, staff, her coursework and internships all had in her accomplishments.


    Early Childhood Education, Mitchell College

    Jason Buehler ’19 describes his years at Mitchell College as “transformative” and “multidimensional,” a wellspring of inspiration for both his work as a teacher and for his life. “I am neurodiverse, and the feeling of coming to a campus that recognized this and had the resources to help me succeed was the biggest reason for me coming to Mitchell.” After graduating he started teaching first grade at The Gordon School in East Providence, Rhode Island, and plans to pursue a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction with a focus on reading and language arts. Jason has found that he often draws on lessons learned from Dr. Nancy Parent’s Cross-Cultural Development course and uses the Mitchell Abilities every day, such as communication, critical thinking, technology, ethics, social interaction, and diversity and global perspectives.


    Sample Coursework: Early Childhood Studies A.A. (2-Year Overview)

    View the College Catalog for full descriptions of these courses.

    Year 1
    Fall Semester Cr. Spring Semester Cr.
    CW101 Intro to College Writing 3 CW102 College Writing/Research 3
    FC101 First Year Seminar 3 FC102 First Year Seminar 3
    FC105New London Then and Now 2 Gen Ed Requirement (Theme area humanities) 3
    HD108 Intro to Human Development 3 PY105 General Psychology 3
    ED110 Intro to Early Childhood Education 3 Math Elective 3
    Fall Credits: 14 Spring Credits: 15
    Total First Year Credits 29
    Year 2
    Fall Semester Cr. Spring Semester Cr.
    ED206 Integrated Mathematics in Education 3 ED222 Methods & Techniques for Multilingual Learners 3
    EL212 literature for the Young Child 3 Gen Ed Requirement (Theme area Social Sci) 3
    SCXXX Lab Science (Natural Science) 4 ED276 Contemporary Issues in Education 3
    ED261 Special Education I:  Working with Neurodiverse Students 3 HI106 US History 3
    ED274 Literacy Instruction I:  Foundations of Literacy 3 Gen Ed Requirement (Fine Arts Elective) 3
    Fall Credits: 16 Spring Credits: 15
    Total Second Year Credits 31
    Fall Credits: 30 Spring Credits: 30
    Total  Year Credits 60
    Total Credits to Graduate: 60

    Sample Coursework: Early Childhood Education B.A. (4-Year Overview)

    View the College Catalog for full descriptions of these courses.

    Year 1
    Fall Semester Cr. Spring Semester Cr.
    CW101 Intro to College Writing 3 CW102 College Writing/Research 3
    FC101 First Year Seminar 3 FC102 First Year Seminar 3
    FC105 New London Then and Now 2 Exploratory Elective 3
    HD108 Intro to Human Development 3 PY105 General Psychology 3
    Gen Ed Requirement (Fine Arts Elective) 3 Math Elective 3
    Fall Credits: 14 Spring Credits: 15
    Total First Year Credits 29
    Year 2
    Fall Semester Cr. Spring Semester Cr.
    ED110 Intro to Early Childhood Education 3 HD110 Race, Ethnicity, and Culture 3
    HI105 US History 3 PY215 Educational Psychology 3
    Lab Science (Natural Science) 4 Gen Ed Requirement (Theme Area Humanities) 3
    Gen Ed Requirement (Theme Area Humanities) 3 BS Elective 3
    Gen Ed Requirement (Theme Area Social Science) 3 Exploratory Elective 3
    Fall Credits: 16 Spring Credits: 15
    Total Second Year Credits 31
    Year 3
    Fall Semester Cr. Spring Semester Cr.
    BS Elective 3 ED222 Methods and Techniques for Multilingual Learners 3
    ED261 Special Education I: Working with Neurodiverse Students 3 BS Elective 3
    ED274 Literacy Instruction I: Foundations of Literacy 3 ED321 Literacy Instruction II: Inteventions 3
    ED275 Interdisciplinary Learning with Field Experience 4 ED380 Special Education II: Planning and Implementing IEPs with Field Experience 4
    HD209 Child Development 3 ED276 Contemporary Issues in Education 3
    Fall Credits: 16 Spring Credits: 16
    Total Third Year Credits 32
    Year 4
    Fall Semester Cr. Spring Semester Cr.
    ED206 Integrated Math Instruction 3 ED420 Early Childhood Studies Practicum 6
    ED311 Play in Early Childhood: Theory and Research 3 ED421 Early Childhood Studies Seminar 3
    ED212 Literature for the Young Child 3 ED332 Research Methods in Education 3
    ED340 Social Emotional Development/Classroom Management 3 Exploratory Elective 3
    Exploratory Elective 1
    Fall Credits: 13 Spring Credits: 15
    Total Fourth Year Credits 28
    Total Credits to Graduate: 120

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