Living on our waterfront campus in New London puts you in the right place to make real connections. Residence halls bring together living communities where people share a special interest, such as an academic drive, an athletic team or a common club. Would you like to have a focus for your floor? Whether it’s community service or quiet study time, leadership building or easy access to tutoring and advising, we’ve created a place for you. Would you like to design your own community? Fill a floor with your friends or team members to create your own community. We will help you do it!
Residence Life - Housing Options
Mitchell College offers traditional rooms in residence halls that are co-ed by floor, suite-style living and apartment-style living.
Residence Halls
*Substance-Free Residence
Mariner Hall is a 4-story, suite-style residence hall with 2 community lounges and laundry facilities. The hall is co-ed by suite and accommodates 120 students. Each suite consists of 3 double bedrooms, a kitchenette and 2 full bathrooms. Rooms are climate controlled, including air conditioning. Students must be a sophomore, junior or senior with a minimum 2.50 GPA and have a clean conduct record to live in this residence.
*Matteson Hall is a 4-story, corridor-style building with common bathrooms and is non-co-ed by floor. Home to our Thames at Mitchell program, the hall offers a lounge on each floor, study spaces, laundry facilities, a full kitchen on the 1st floor and a kitchenette on the 2nd floor. Thames team offices are also housed within the hall. Priority placement is given to students enrolled in the Thames at Mitchell program. This building is designated a substance-free living environment and accommodates 112 students.
Simpson Hall is a 4-story, corridor-style building and is non-co-ed by floor, with the exception of the 1st and 4th floor, which is a gender neutral. The hall has common bathrooms, lounges, laundry facilities and 2 kitchenettes. This residence is designated for sophomores, juniors and seniors and accommodates 116 students.
*Saunders Hall is a designated first-year residence hall and is non-co-ed by floor, with the exception of the 1st floor, which is gender neutral. The hall has common bathrooms, lounges and laundry facilities. This is a substance-free living environment and accommodates 112 students.
*Moorings and Fair Haven are located on Pequot Avenue, a short 3- to 5-minute walk from campus. These 2 waterfront residences are corridor-style buildings with a lounge, laundry room and common bathrooms. These historic Victorian and Colonial homes each house between 20 and 30 students and offer unique rooms; many with water views. Currently as of August 2024, Fair Haven is offline.
*East Winds House is located on Gardner Avenue, a short 3- to 5-minute walk from campus. East Winds is corridor-style housing that provides an independent living opportunity for students with a full common kitchen, laundry facilities, lounge and study space. This substance-free living environment residence hall is a designated living and learning environment.
Montauk Apartments accommodates 20 students. Each apartment shares a bathroom and kitchen and the 1st floor contains 2 bathrooms and a full kitchen. Residents are expected to have independent living skills in order to reside in these apartments and are responsible for maintaining their own bathroom and kitchen areas. Laundry facilities are in the basement and the residence provides air conditioning. This is a designated living and learning environment for juniors and seniors who are seeking the experience of apartment living while enjoying the convenience of living on campus.
Student Organizations, Clubs & Activities
There are so many ways to get involved at Mitchell! Visit to learn more!
Commuter Students
For some students, it just makes sense to commute from home. Campus life is for you, too! You can participate in a campus meal plan, make a home away from home in the commuter lounge in Nathan Hale Hall and be just as involved in activities, service, student government and leadership.
Health & Wellness
Caring for the whole person.
Consistent with our mission of holistic education, Mitchell College seeks to care for the whole student during their time on campus, supporting students’ physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. For more information, hours and services, visit Health & Wellness.
Accessibility Services
In accordance with state and federal law, Mitchell College is committed to providing accommodations to eligible students and visitors with disabilities in order to ensure accessibility and equal opportunities to its programs, services, and activities. Accessibility Services, located in the Duques Center, facilitates reasonable accommodations for students who disclose a disability, meet the eligibility requirement and request accommodations through Accessibility Services.
For more information…
Comprehensive skill and strategy support goes above and beyond what federal law requires. If you are interested in fee-based comprehensive academic support in addition to accommodations, please visit the Bentsen Learning Center.
Campus Safety
Learn more at Campus Safety.

Meet the Student Affairs Team!

Alicia Martinez, Ed.D., M.S.O.L.
Dean, Student Experience & Belonging Chief Student Affairs Officer
Duques Center

Jill A. Engel-Hellman, M.Ed.
Interim Director of Residence Life and Student Conduct
Duques Center 211

Paul Dunn
Integrative Career Development Coordinator
Duques Center 213

Brandon Gennotti, M.S.
Area Coordinator for Thames and Residential Student Support
Matteson 105
860 701-5213

Tifereth (Fey) Atkinson, M.Ed.
Area Coordinator of Housing Operations
Mariner Hall 100

Rachel Ricciuti
Lead Student Affairs Fellow for Leadership & Service
Student Center

Pedro Santiago, M.A.
Director of Student Engagement and Orientation
Student Center (The COVE)

Emily Smith, M.S.
SAILS Program Coordinator, Administrative Coordinator for Student Affairs
Duques Center 207

Gizelle Tircuit, Ph.D, L.P.C.
Director of Health and Wellness
Health Center
Yarnall Center 2nd Floor

Isabel Foley
Student Affairs Fellow for Administrative Services and Club Sports

Christian Rodriguez
Student Affairs Fellow for Career and Conduct