Be an individual. And fit right in.
Nationally recognized as an early pioneer in academic and social support, Mitchell College continues to push the boundaries in innovative support. We’re continually seeking fresh and exciting new ways to build a college community that foundationally celebrates diversity, fosters inclusion, and teaches & learns empathy.
Read Mitchell College’s Statement on Diversity and Inclusion.
Every student thinks and learns differently.
Your mind, your talents, and your life experiences are 100% unique to you, and our singular goal is to unlock your potential. We do this by delivering a college experience that recognizes your strengths, develops your potential, teaches you how to adapt to an ever-changing world and prepares you for a lifetime of success.
We build a success network across campus, customized to you.
Faculty, advisors, learning specialists, tutors, and coaches work as a team across campus to create your personal success network. Whether you’re an athlete, interested in the arts, looking to develop leadership skills, seeking to serve your community… or are just looking for that special place to fit in… our collaborative and close-knit family is here to guide and support you.
Students with learning differences (LD), ADHD, social support needs, benefit from the expertise of our deep well of specialists through one of our living and learning support programs: Thames at Mitchell College (college transition program), the Bentsen Learning Center, and the Mystic Program. In fact, we were recently ranked #3 in “20 Best Value Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities (
Learn more about Mitchell’s nationally recognized support programs at or Accessibility Services at

35% of students access one of our Living & Learning Support programs.