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The Tutoring Center

About the Tutoring Center

Free Services for Every Mitchell Student

The Tutoring Center offers free tutoring to all current Mitchell College students in subjects across the curriculum. The goal of tutoring is to help students overcome academic challenges and lead them to autonomous or independent learning.

The Center provides personalized support for studying and learning with respect to individual learning differences. We promote independence in learning to help students overcome academic challenges and achieve greater academic performance.

NOTE: Students enrolled in Thames at Mitchell receive academic and social support through that program.

Measurable Learning Outcomes

Mitchell students who use the Tutoring Center report a very high degree of satisfaction with the services we provide. We know that because we survey them regularly on their success in achieving the following objectives:

  • Articulating their needs to their tutors so they can create actionable goals
  • Applying study strategies they learn during tutoring session(s) to improve conceptualization and retention of the course material
  • Solidifying their foundational knowledge of course material
, Mitchell College
, Mitchell College

I am falling behind and I don’t know what to do.

I need help with writing a paper. Fast!

My course work feels overwhelming.

, Mitchell College
, Mitchell College

Tutors Who Are Educators

While many colleges offer peer tutoring, all of the tutors in Mitchell’s Tutoring Center are trained professionals with advanced degrees. The majority are professors who have taught courses at Mitchell and have “hands-on” experience with the curriculum. This gives our tutors the advantage of combining their subject area expertise with a wide range of support services.

Easy Access

Access to tutoring is just one click away! Students can sign up for sessions through the student portal through the Insight-Simplicity tool (students must use their Mitchell College account to log in).

Students simply make an appointment with the tutor who covers the subject area they want to work on. The Center is conveniently located in the center of campus on the first floor of the Duques Center.

, Mitchell College
, Mitchell College

Tutoring Center Leadership

, Mitchell College

Meredith Adler

Director of First-Year Experience & Tutoring
Duques Center First Floor

, Mitchell College

Linda M. Buhr, MBA, Ph.D.

Lead Tutor
Duques Center First Floor







Duques Center 1st Floor


Use our online tool Insight to find over 100 weekly available appointments that cover a wide range of courses.

NOTE: Insight requires login using a Mitchell student account.