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Student Organizes Blood Drive to Answer Community Need

Understanding the vital need for blood donations motivated senior health science major Marissa Luna to do something about it.

“Having donated blood to the Red Cross before, I experienced firsthand how significant it is to help others in need. I wanted to get more involved and take on a role where I could make an even greater impact, so I reached out to the Red Cross to initiate a blood drive on campus,” she said.

The recent event, which took place in The Red Barn, collected 30 productive units of blood, exceeding its goal of 20.

“Every donor helps save up to three lives, so the impact of this drive is truly incredible,” Marissa said.

As Blood Drive Leader, Marissa oversaw several tasks including organizing logistics, recruiting donors, promoting the event to students and public, and ensuring the drive ran smoothly.

“Logistics was a challenge,” she said. “That included booking the venue and ensuring all of the equipment was available. My goal was to create an atmosphere where donors felt comfortable and had a positive experience. To make that possible, I worked closely with Rachel Ricciuti, Mitchell College Student Affairs fellow, who helped coordinate every detail and address any issues that arose along the way.”

Putting Coursework to Work

Marissa, who wants to work as a nuclear medicine technologist, said that lessons learned from her Science and Public Policy and Personal/Community Health classes were put to good use in organizing the blood drive.

“My coursework helped me understand the importance of public health initiatives like blood drives, as well as the logistics and community engagement involved in organizing them,” she said.

Her favorite part of organizing a blood drive? Contributing to the community in a meaningful way.

“Seeing the direct impact of our work and knowing that every donation could help save lives shows that we’re truly making a difference in the community,” she said, adding that she appreciated that Mitchell College offered her this unique opportunity to take on this project.


Marissa Luna stands in front of a table used for blood donations at a blood drive.
Two women lie on tables donating blood at a blood drive.

Alumna Pays Forward Care, Compassion, Support

When Lisa McCann ’09 became a mother during her first year at Mitchell College, she knew life would be challenging.

“Balancing school, work, and parenting was not easy, but the professors and staff were incredibly supportive. They worked with me to schedule classes around my work hours, and on occasions when daycare was closed, they even allowed me to bring my daughter to class. Their understanding meant the world to me,” she said.

Support for Lisa, who earned a bachelor’s degree in liberal and professional studies, extended to the former Mitchell College Learning Resource Center (LRC), today the Bentsen Learning Center.

“The LRC was a tremendous help during my academic journey. The tutoring center offered flexible hours to fit perfectly with my busy schedule, and I met twice a week with their reading and writing specialists who provided invaluable guidance. Their support played a major role in my success as a student. I probably spent more time the LRC than I did in classes.”

Lisa began at Mitchell studying early childhood education. She realized in her second year that she had a passion for behavioral science, grounded in her lived experience.

“I was a victim of domestic violence as a child, which shaped many aspects of my life. I didn’t grow up wealthy, and I constantly moved from house to house, trying to find stability. When I got to Mitchell and reflected on my life experiences, I realized I wanted to do more—I wanted to help others who were in situations like the ones I had endured.”

“Switching my major turned out to be the best decision for my academic and career goals,” she continued, “as I now have a career that I’m deeply passionate about.”

Paying forward

Today Lisa is a domestic violence housing counselor, advocate, and housing coordinator at Safe Futures in New London. Every day she pays forward the care, compassion, and support that she received at Mitchell to others in need.

“In my role, I oversee transitional housing programs for individuals and families fleeing domestic violence. These programs are designed for clients who are homeless and seeking safety and stability. The transitional housing program offers 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom units that clients can stay in for up to two years.”

During her clients’ stay, Lisa works with them on securing permanent housing, developing safety plans, addressing legal issues related to domestic violence or housing barriers, and setting and achieving short-term goals that align with their long-term aspirations.

“Many of my clients use this time to go back to school, pursue higher education, or gain certifications that allow them to increase their income and establish independence, which is something they weren’t allowed to do in the past. It’s incredibly rewarding to see clients rebuild their lives, gain stability, and achieve their goals during their time in the program.”

The transformation that Lisa sees in her clients mirrors her own.

“Mitchell College opened my eyes to the power of education, determination, and community. It gave me the tools I needed to build a career helping others escape the cycle of domestic violence and find safety, stability, and hope for a better future. My time at Mitchell was transformative. I learned so much about resilience and perseverance. Those lessons have stayed with me throughout my 20 years in this field and remind me daily that, even in the face of adversity, I don’t have to give up.”

Lisa McCann '09 and Fenty Lee '15

Lisa McCann ’09 and her supervisor Fenty Lee ’15, director of residential programs and also a Mitchell College graduate

Life Lessons in the Division of Business

Every day in the Division of Business at Mitchell College, faculty deliver unique experiences designed to build the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors students need to create a pathway to a rewarding professional career. One way is by bringing in experts and influencers to share their knowledge, experiences, and life lessons.

In doing so, the Division of Business welcomed Dan Holdridge back to campus after he served as Commencement speaker in May 2024. President and Chief Executive Officer of Eagle Industries Incorporated, Holdridge conducted inspirational workshops for students taking business courses at Mitchell College, including intro to business, project management, and Mitchell’s unique, experiential Mlab program. The workshops focused on teamwork, leadership, and the ethics of professional work, drawing not only from Holdridge’s professional work but also from a life-altering personal experience.

Workshops Inspire, Draw from Life Experience
Holdridge was one of the youngest program directors at General Dynamics Corporation in Needham, Mass., where he oversaw computer engineering operations. On September 11, 2001, he was at the Pentagon supporting the construction of a newly renovated section when the terrorist attack occurred. His life almost ended that day when he was injured, but he has since recovered from his physical wounds. He now dedicates his time speaking to people across the country about his experience that day, what helped him heal, and how he became a stronger person.

James Patsalides, chair of the business division, said, “Dan conducted three inspirational workshops, each tailored to the needs of a class. He captured our students’ attention and was able to inspire them with his message of appreciation and mutual support, positioned as part of a professional toolkit that includes things like ‘pulling your weight’ for your team and focusing on taking action rather than sitting back and watching your life go by. I am so grateful for his contribution to our students and to our program overall. His story is so powerful. “

Students agreed.

“It’s all about teamwork, and one person can really derail a project. That’s why it is important to always know your ‘why’.” —Michael Ficocelli


“Whether you think so or not, everyone matters, and everyone has an impact in the world.” —TJ Wolfe


“It’s important to turn negatives into positives, and the greatest trait of a leader is kindness.” —Ethan Chavez


“Everyone needs to work together for a company to succeed.” —Walker Baillargeon

Bringing Real World into Classrooms
“As we continue to build our Division of Business programs with the ambitious goal of becoming the best business teaching institution in Connecticut,” said Patsalides, “inspirational speakers like Dan Holdridge enable us to bring the real world into our classrooms, moving beyond learning complicated academic content, into application of new ideas to our personal and professional lives. We must learn to appreciate every moment, every experience, and every human who crosses our path.”

“In the Division of Business, we have taken this message to heart. Our flexible modern curriculum and our learning-by-doing teaching approach embody an ethic of learning and care that is unique and grounded in our requirement that all our instructors are experienced pros first and academics second. This philosophy sets the tone for everything we do in the division. For our students, experiences like this are not only exciting and inspirational, but are a systematic foundation for their success in life.”


Helping Others Find Their Voice

Junior Ryan DeCosta lives his life in a “radically possible, powerfully you” way, as both a Mitchell College student and a youth engagement coordinator with the Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center (CPAC).

“Both Mitchell and CPAC have helped me learn lessons, build friendships, and increase my knowledge to fight for social justice, including disability rights, LGBTQ+ rights, suicide prevention, mental health services, and policy change,” he says.

“Your voice is the most valuable at a table where decisions are made for your future, so let yourself be heard.”

Drawn to Mitchell for its diverse and inclusive campus, Ryan found that it fit with his lived experiences.

“The connections I have built with my professors and classmates has really strengthened my love for Mitchell College.”

Once challenged by mental health issues and a learning difference, Ryan uses his story to “heal loudly, discover radical possibilities, and effect radical change” by strengthening his voice to help “amplify and encourage others to use theirs” at school and at work.

A psychology major, Ryan is a member of Mitchell’s Mental Health Coalition Board and the Mitchell JED Team, which focuses on mental health, substance use, and suicide prevention. He looks forward to expanding his contribution to the conversation about mental health on campus, which he believes is “a topic that affects everyone.”

Ryan says the lessons he has learned in his courses at Mitchell “always help support my knowledge and strengthen who I am as a learner, writer, and reader, but I bring more to the classroom from my insight gained at CPAC.”

Behavioral Sciences Professor Jennifer Mauro, who has had Ryan in several classes, agrees.

“Ryan’s commitment to mental health, well-being, and inclusivity extends beyond the classroom and into his work with multiple organizations, including CPAC. His insights — often connected to concepts of resilience, well-being, and developmental psychology — enrich the learning community for all,” she says.

A Niantic-based nonprofit organization, CPAC has a mission of educating, supporting, and empowering families in Connecticut with children/youth (birth to age 26) who have a chronic condition or disability.

As a youth engagement coordinator, Ryan works to educate and support youth and families, mentors youth in self-advocacy and leadership skills, conducts community outreach, and represents the youth voice at local, state, and federal meetings.

“A typical day at my job is working on our social media platforms and developing project proposals for workshops, panels, podcasts, and more. I communicate and work with boards on local, state, and national levels to improve systems and break down stigmas around people like me who have disabilities. One day I will be on the computer and the next I am speaking in front of large audiences of young people, stakeholders, educators and administrators, and parents. We share stories about the struggles of navigating in a world that moves so fast and doesn’t always allow everyone to catch up or be recognized for the genius that is in front of them. We give opportunities for the unrecognized to be the ones running the dialogue.”

Ryan finds great reward in helping young people build self-advocacy skills to help them create change, as well as providing them with networking opportunities to build their resumes — and their self-confidence. He believes these skills will serve them for the rest of their lives.

Looking down the road in his own life, Ryan says Mitchell College has helped to prepare him for his next step, including the goal of earning a master’s degree in social work.

“I will continue to expand my knowledge up until I graduate from Mitchell through internship and networking opportunities and staying involved on campus. Every experience allows you to learn more about yourself, grow as a person, adapt to change, and expand your knowledge of your field of study.”


Photo credit: Jennifer Mauro

Adult Learner Fast-Tracks Her Degree to Become Certified Teacher

When her husband’s company experienced numerous layoffs, Joelle Goetz decided it was time to seize the moment, go back to school, and complete the necessary credits to earn her bachelor’s degree.

“I have always depended on my husband for many things. Given uncertainties in his work world, I knew this was the right time to finish my degree. My two children are in college now, so I have the time. There is a need for certified language teachers in the state of Connecticut. I can complete a fast-track program to become certified to teach, as long as I have a bachelor’s degree,” she said.

A native of France who has taught French in independent schools in the United States for 20 years, Joelle said her goal is to finish her degree as quickly as possible.

“I am 53 and want to be certified to teach in the state of Connecticut,” she said.

She was able to transfer business credits that she had earned when she lived in France to the business track of the Professional Studies program at Mitchell College.

“My immediate goal is not to be on the business track to work in business but to have a bachelor’s degree the fastest way possible using my business credits. As retirement comes closer, however, I might like to offer immersion classes in France, perhaps combining business with teaching.”

In searching for a program, Joelle checked the region for education options. She looked at Mitchell’s website and found information about the Professional Studies program that fit her needs.

“I called and spoke to Admissions staff about the program. After our conversation, I thought, ‘This is my path!’ This is exactly what I was looking for because I just want to get this done.”

Joelle said the application and registration process was seamless.

“My advisor, Cheri Henault, made everything so easy. She showed me what credits transferred and what classes to take. I didn’t have to come up with a plan. I didn’t have to pick my classes. She gave me the whole plan—it is a package and it’s wonderful. I don’t have to worry. She is extremely helpful.”

When Joelle first considered returning to school, she thought she would go to class in person on campus. The Professional Studies program, however, is online with asynchronous classes, allowing students to work on their own time.

“I was not sure if I could study at home and succeed in online courses, but I found a little room in the house that is perfect for me. It is cozy and nothing distracts me there. I am very motivated, and I know I need time to focus. With my full-time work schedule, I have one day off, so on that day I start my class work at 7:30 a.m. and go until 6 p.m. with little breaks in between. I also use Saturdays and Sundays. I am on a rigorous schedule.”

Both the adult learners in her classes and the professors who teach them “have an intention of being successful on either side,” she said. “The teachers want to make it happen, and the classes are well-structured and manageable. The students know it takes a lot of energy and know from the get-go what needs to be done.”

Her advice to others contemplating enrolling to complete their bachelor’s degree?

“I would tell someone it’s a serious program, and you have to make time for it. Have a support system around you, and make sure you have everything in place to be successful. Taking it lightly won’t work because it takes effort, but it’s the most rewarding thing.”

Slated to complete the program in June 2025, Joelle said that she has surprised herself with her success in the program.

“Mitchell College pulls the best out of me. I worried about staying focused, but I can, and I am. I am French and didn’t know if I could write well in English, but it’s going more smoothly than I thought. When I emigrated here 20 years ago and took my first English classes, it took so much energy. I was discouraged to go back and finish my bachelor’s, and this has been on my mind all this time. Now is the right time. I have found myself, my thoughts, and my voice, and it’s all good.”

Mitchell Senior Secures Competitive Pfizer Internship

When Kyrsten Lucas applied for a summer internship at Pfizer in Groton, Conn., she knew it was a competitive process. (Only 3% of applicants were accepted this year.) Thanks to the support and preparation she received at Mitchell College, she felt well equipped to pursue the opportunity.

“Earlier in the year, I had an informational interview set up by a Mitchell alum at Pfizer, which Paul Dunn, Integrative Career Services coordinator, encouraged me to do,” said Kyrsten, a business management major. “I found out about the internship program through the interview. When I decided to apply, Paul was with me through every step of application process. It was very helpful.”

After applying Kyrsten received an invitation to interview virtually with three people. Pfizer ultimately offered her a 12-week, full-time internship in the Global Material Management division as a controlled drug operations intern. She is one of just 300 Pfizer interns worldwide.

“Pfizer was looking for a self-starter for this internship, someone they didn’t have to guide the whole way. I attribute my success as an applicant to Dr. P’s [James Patsalides] two business lab courses: Improving Business Operations and Managing Ops Improvement.”

“In the courses we were given a problem to work on and had to figure out a solution without much guidance, just like in the real world. As part of the business lab, I worked with Michael’s Dairy and Keith Padin, business operations manager for Mitchell’s Auxiliary Services. I was leader of a marketing team that developed a loyalty program. Through that role, I was able to direct the path that our team took, from ideation to talking to the client to implementation. During my Pfizer interview, I shared the projects that I worked on. Being able to speak to a real-world experience without actually having the real-world experience helped a lot.”

Working as an intern in operations at Pfizer, she said she is assigned a project and “then it’s up to me to come up with the steps,” leaving her to figure out how to tackle the work.

“In my courses at Mitchell, Dr. Patsalides didn’t give us a lot of details for our assignments,” she said, and “I am so thankful because I see it’s the same in the real world. It was great preparation for the work I am doing now.”

Every day of her internship is different, and she works on multiple projects.

“In my area we sometimes work with Environmental Health and Safety, which is responsible for monitoring things like water quality and emissions, as well as safety procedures. Some projects that I am working on include creating a video for safety training for our building, digitizing an order form, and looking at standards and software for implementation and optimization of operations. I am also helping with a big archival project related to controlled substance documents.”

“I have two offices on site. One is a cubicle where I work on Excel sheets and analysis. I use Excel a lot to compare data and am grateful for my Excel class at Mitchell. My second office is a desk in the warehouse. Operations is a fast-paced environment, especially in Global Material Management. We are responsible for getting every scientist onsite the materials they need, and we have to do it fast.”

She thinks being captain of the Mitchell women’s basketball team played a part in securing her internship and contributes to being successful in it.

“Mitchell sports helped me with time management skills and leadership. As a student-athlete, you have to be able to balance multiple things at once,” she said.

In addition, Kyrsten makes many presentations related to her projects and will do a culminating Student Growth Experience poster presentation at the end of her internship, something that all interns have to do. She said that the communication and presentation skills she learned at Mitchell have been helpful.

Her favorite part of the internship is the work environment and the people.

“I like networking and learning about what people are doing. Everyone is so welcoming and wants to show me what they are doing. They invite me to sit in on meetings, and I like hearing stories about how they got to where they are today.”

Now Kyrsten, a senior, is deciding the next step in her story.

“I always thought sustainability management was the path I wanted to take for a job, but now I am thinking about operations. I learned operations can include sustainability management, and I like that operations encompasses other things as well. Now I will have to decide if I want to go straight to graduate school or work in a job first.”

Whichever direction she takes, Kyrsten said Mitchell has prepared her well.

“It was helpful to go on informational interviews, learn about internship opportunities, and connect with alumni through the Integrative Career Development office. I also gained real-world experience through the protected environment of the classroom. Things like deadlines and expectations weren’t a surprise to me at all when I started my internship.”